Posts Tagged ‘Faith Defenders’

Best Practices for Seminary Students to Study the Atonement By Dr. Robert Morey

October 21, 2011

In the Bible, the term “atonement” refers to the price Jesus Christ paid to redeem us from our sins. In my book, Studies in the Atonement, I describe in depth the forensic nature of justification and demonstrate the ways in which a holy God can be just while still justifying sinners. It has been reviewed by well-known theologians as one of the most important works on the person and work of Jesus Christ in the biblical plan of salvation.

While many other religions see the relationship between man and God as that of humans seeking their own salvation, Christians view God as seeking man and providing salvation through the work of the economical Trinity. Rather than searching for enlightenment, the Scriptures see humans as disobedient sinners who need salvation. Due to their rebellious nature, mortal men cannot be relied on to accurately describe the experience of redemption; the Scriptures, as written Word inspired by God, serves as the best resource for the divine doctrine of atonement.

Day Of Atonement

Day Of Atonement ,Christian posted at

Studies in the Atonement covers a number of topics related to the doctrine. It addresses some of the most important questions of our time: How can sins be forgiven? Who initiates the process of salvation? Does it require participation from humanity, or is it all conducted by the Lord? Studies in the Atonement helps explain all of these questions about the saving work of Jesus Christ.

The book also addresses issues faced specifically by seminary students. Many college and seminary professors are great asking questions but give few biblical answers. They just give what they think or feel instead of what the Bible says. A mere academic understanding of the doctrine, while helpful, will not provide the answers to the students’ own questions about salvation and sanctification.  With each new understanding of the saving work of Christ, the readers are given hymns and prayers to apply to their heart and lives.

Go to to learn more about atonement.

About the author: Dr. Robert Morey is an internationally known religious scholar who has presented lectures in 27 countries. Dr. Morey’s books, which presently number 58, have been translated into 9 languages, including Spanish, Italian, Chinese, and Farsi.

The End of the World According to Jesus

November 29, 2010

Dr. Robert Morey’s new book, The End of the World According to Jesus, is an answer to modern superstitions about the end of time as told by the Mayans, Hindus, and other belief systems. Alarmed by the lack of Christian opinion, Robert Morey endeavors to explain the end of the world as it is laid out in the Bible. From its first verse to its last, the Bible states that Earth had a clear beginning and will have a clear end. God has already determined the path along which the world is traveling and all that has or will come to pass is predetermined by His will. During the apocalypse, according to the Christian faith, the dead will rise and stand before the Messiah to receive their judgment. At this time, He will declare man’s destiny, creating a new Heaven and new Earth for the elect while the others suffer eternally in Hell. In the book, Robert Morey deals primarily with two prophetic Biblical passages that have often been misunderstood, as well as the reports of Matthew, Luke, and Mark. Approaching the passages from the traditional Jewish Apocalyptic hermeneutic, he clearly and succinctly explains their meaning through a historic lens, rendering them more accessible than ever before. Robert Morey offers a new edition of the Book of Revelation that is not divided according to chapters or verses, presenting it to the reader in the way that a first-century Christian would have read it. In this way, he avoids the Western European cultural framework that has been imposed upon the Bible.